Vol.112 “My Philosophy” Leslie Kee

Leslie Kee, born in Singapore, is a photographer who operates globally with bases in Tokyo and New York. Rising from a background of poverty, he transformed adversity into a source of energy, exploring the beauty of art, fashion, and advertising through his unique lens. His passion fuels his contributions to society through photography, with his work inspiring courage and hope in many.


Vol.112 Leslie Kee

Leslie Kee, born in Singapore, is a globally recognized photographer who works across various domains, including art, fashion, advertising, and film direction, with Tokyo and New York as his primary hubs. His charity photobook "TIFFANY supports LOVE AND HOPE," supporting the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake, was honored with the 40th APA Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Award.

In 2004, Kee launched his self-published magazine series "SUPER," a significant work that collaborates with global corporations and artists such as Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Pharrell Williams, and Yumi Matsutoya, establishing a new cultural benchmark.

The "OUT IN JAPAN" project, which captures the voices of Japan's LGBT community through Kee's lens, was selected as a recommended work in the Entertainment Division of the 19th Japan Media Arts Festival. Additionally, Kee has embraced the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), creating the music video "Koi no Boogie Woogie Train" in collaboration with the UN Information Centre to promote the SDGs.

Since 2016, Kee has collaborated with NHK on the "⇒2020 Leslie Kee's Portrait Message Project" leading up to the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020, where he photographed over 2,000 official portraits and directed promotional videos, encouraging the people of Japan to share their dreams and goals for a better future.

A Family Photo I Always Wanted to Take:

I grew up in a poor household in Singapore. My mother was a single parent, working day and night, so it was my grandmother who basically raised me on behalf of my mother. Despite our financial struggles, our home was filled with love and happiness. Thanks to my mother, I had the opportunity to receive an education and learned the importance of learning.

On my 13th birthday, when my mother asked what I wanted, I told her I wanted a camera. Little did I know, that camera would be the first and last gift she would ever give me. Four months after she bought it, my mother passed away from cancer. We had never taken a family photo, and I always wished we had.

With the camera in hand, I began photographing my younger sister, wanting to create memories for her as we had few childhood photos. From there, I gradually started taking pictures of friends and those around me, discovering the joy of sharing happiness through the smiles of others.

However, after my mother’s death, I had to work to support the family, and I began working with my aunt at a Japanese-owned factory in Singapore. The long hours were grueling, but I was deeply impressed by Japanese culture, its perfectionism, and the passion for work. At 15, I discovered the music of Yumi Matsutoya, and her world deeply moved me. At 20, I decided to go to Japan to study photography seriously at a vocational school.

After graduation, I spent a year applying for studio assistant positions but was rejected everywhere. While continuing my part-time jobs, I persistently pitched my work to fashion magazine editors. Gradually, my efforts paid off, and I eventually had the honor of shooting the cover of the global fashion magazine ‘VOGUE’. I was especially thrilled when I was selected to work on an album cover for Yumi Matsutoya, a dream come true.

Inspirations: LESLIE KEE at TEDxTokyo 2014 [Japanese]

Adversity Becomes a Source of Strength and Opportunity:

When someone denies me, I find encouragement in it. It motivates me. When faced with opposition or lack of opportunities, I become stronger.

Today, we are blessed with advanced technology and support systems. However, this comfort often robs many of the spirit to challenge themselves. To those hesitant to take the first step, I say, “Keep pursuing what you believe in.” Do not be discouraged by negative voices around you. Believe in your potential and keep pushing forward—that is the key to success. Even in situations deemed impossible by others, it is crucial to maintain your convictions. I have always seen adversity as an opportunity, and overcoming it has allowed me to grow.

When confronted with difficulties, use all available technology and support to face them head-on. Achieving something requires willpower and effort. That’s why it is essential to consciously challenge your limits continuously.

A Charity Photobook for Disaster-Stricken Areas:

In 2004, when the earthquake struck Sumatra, I was living in New York and witnessed the devastation on TV. I asked myself, “What can I do?” The answer was clear: to connect people and make a positive impact through photography. I immediately took action, visiting 12 countries and photographing 300 Asian artists, resulting in the photobook “super stars.” The proceeds were donated to the victims in Sumatra. This charity book marked a significant turning point in my career, giving birth to a new direction of contributing to society through photography.

When the Great East Japan Earthquake struck in 2011, I was again compelled to act. A week after the earthquake, I visited Tohoku and captured the situation with my camera. As part of the recovery efforts, I released the charity photobook “TIFFANY supports ‘LOVE & HOPE’ by Leslie Kee,” featuring portraits of 200 women from 32 countries taken over the past seven years. I believe that photography is not just a record but a symbol of reconstruction and hope, capable of inspiring many.

Change the World Through Determination and Action:

From April 19 to May 19, 2024, I held the photo exhibition “SUPER LVMH 〜 ART DE VIVRE,” sponsored by Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024. The exhibition featured portraits of 30 executives from the Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) Japan Group, along with 30 celebrities who supported the event.

Understanding the different systems and values of each company was not easy, but I spared no effort. Utilizing the platform of a major corporation was a unique opportunity to convey the importance of diversity and inclusion to a broad audience. Although some companies were initially reluctant, in the end, everyone agreed. This success was achieved through my continued integrity and transparency in my actions. Whenever rejections happened, I believed that it was an opportunity to reassess and improve, which is the key to success. Individual efforts are essential for societal progress. Cooperating with companies with different values is challenging, and the same goes for personal values. However, with determination and action, change is possible.

“SUPER LVMH 〜 ART DE VIVRE” is not just a photo exhibition; it is an important step in expressing our beliefs and vision to the world. If the exhibition in Paris is successful, we will consider expanding to other cities. We hope that our activities will continue to grow and reach even wider audiences.

Commitment Leads to Infinite Possibilities:

I am a person of action who avoids settling into comfortable spaces. Comfort, I believe, is the enemy of greatness. I am always in pursuit of greatness, aiming to deliver top-quality work. Just as a single photograph can speak a thousand words, my goal is to create works that deeply resonate with people’s hearts, leaving a lasting impact through passion and effort. It is crucial to keep pushing towards new goals without being complacent with the status quo.

This mindset is reflected in my “SUPER” series, which began in 2004. This series takes on various themes to convey messages and thoughts about society, delving into aspects such as artists, fashion, music, and family, and even includes works centered on themes like nudity and love.

Beyond photography, I use social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to widely share my messages. It is important to continue pursuing your dreams, drawing inspiration from everyday life. The works and activities born from this can give people courage and hope and fulfill a mission of contributing to society.

The “SUPER” series is not just a photobook; it is a living piece of art that speaks to you with a deep message. I believe that by pursuing excellence with passion and effort, you can achieve great results.

Message to the Youth of Japan:

Many young people in Japan do not have goals because they live in a safe and comfortable country.

However, through social media, access global information and recognize how far behind Japan is, both politically and culturally. Understanding how the world works and recognizing your place in it will help you develop a broader perspective. Keep your eyes on the world and continue to refine yourself. Do not settle for the safe and comfortable environment of Japan; believe in your potential and keep challenging yourself. Young people have limitless potential.

Finally, let me share my philosophy with you.
Challenge yourself, be sincere, and strive for self-improvement. That is my philosophy.
My work is the result of passion and effort.
Learn the importance of believing in your potential and actively challenging yourself.
By staying true to your beliefs and continuously pushing forward, you can achieve success.
Even in difficult situations, persistence and sincerity will open doors.
Pursue your goals with passion and effort.
Your future is in your hands.

Meeting Daisuke has meant gaining a new friend for me. I have been genuinely impressed by his spirit of challenge and conviction, and I strongly feel that I want to continue supporting his endeavors in the future. His deep understanding and respect for the LGBT community, as well as his sincere commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, stand out in Japan more than anyone else. Daisuke is a remarkable individual who respects different cultures and backgrounds, aiming to create a society where everyone can shine as their true selves. I am confident that his vision and actions will continue to have a positive impact on many people. I am truly proud to have a friend like Daisuke with whom I can help shape the future, and I want to share his values and move forward together.

Photographer Leslie Kee

Video of the “SUPER LVMH – ART DE VIVRE” Photo Exhibition Reception produced by ILI Global Creative Division

Through this interview, I was able to gain a deep understanding of Leslie Kee’s life philosophy and his passion for photography. His life began with a challenging childhood in Singapore, and despite numerous adversities, he grew to become a world-renowned photographer. Kee has always viewed adversity as an opportunity, and he reflects diverse cultures and values in his work. His “SUPER” series and his support for disaster-stricken areas, in particular, not only give people hope and courage but also embody his mission of contributing to society.

His philosophy and activities are encapsulated in the “SUPER LVMH~ART DE VIVRE” photo exhibition, which was held at Creative Space Akademeia 21 Harajuku, in Shibuya.This exhibition celebrated the 30th anniversary of Japan’s Pride Parade and featured specially commissioned portraits and messages from 30 celebrities from around the world, who resonated with the values of Norbert Leuret, the representative of LVMH Japan, and Tokyo Rainbow Pride.

The reception was recorded on video by ILI, the company I represent. ILI aims to create an inclusive society where everyone can confidently say “I like what I like.” We have worked on numerous projects for global companies such as the U.S. Embassy, Burger King Japan, Apple Japan, and Microsoft Japan. Through our bilingual content creation, we promote activities that embrace diversity and foster connections and mutual understanding.

In the interview series “My Philosophy,” which I am the editor-in-chief, I interviewed Masakazu Yanagisawa over ten years ago. He came out as gay at TEDxTokyo, and so the interview received significant attention back then. As awareness of LGBTQ issues continues to grow, ILI is the only organization capable of truly embodying equality and diversity in both English and Japanese. Our activities contribute to the realization of equality and diversity in society. Moving forward, I will continue to pay attention to the work of individuals like Leslie Kee, who continues to inspire many people.

Daisuke Sugiyama
Editor-in-Chief of “My Philosophy”

At Shibuya Creative Space Academia21 Edited by: DK Sugiyama | Photographed by:Yuta Saito