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Vol.1 Hitoshi Suga

Vol.1 Over the course of several years, Hitoshi Suga held prominent roles in M&A and venture capital operations at Mitsui & Co. In 1996, he assumed the position of the inaugural President and CEO of M.V.C. Corporation, a venture capital firm affiliated with the Mitsui Group. Notably, he spearheaded the discovery and nurturing of Tully's Coffee Japan Co., Ltd. (now FoodX Globe Co., Ltd.) from its inception, guiding its investment and growth strategies.
Under his leadership, the company achieved a remarkable listing on the Nasdaq-J market (now the Hercules market) within a record time of two and a half years, marking a significant milestone in the food service industry. Suga currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, overseeing the company's evolution into a 14 billion yen enterprise. Following his departure from Mitsui & Co. and M.V.C. Corporation in 2000, he held various executive positions, including serving as a representative in Japan for foreign financial institutions and investment companies.
Presently, Suga holds directorial positions at FoodX Globe Co., Ltd., Global Insurance Co., Ltd., and Ov Corporation, while also serving as an auditor at Visioneer Co., Ltd., among other ventures. Additionally, since 2005, he has been an esteemed member of the Akita Prefecture Comprehensive Development Deliberation Council and has served as a visiting professor in the Global Business Program at International University of Akita since 2006.
Hitoshi Suga

As a venture capitalist known for discovering leading domestic venture companies, including Tully's Coffee Japan, Mr. Hitoshi Suga has a track record of uncovering prominent startups. We asked him about the mindset necessary for establishing and managing a company.